CFP: Edinburgh Studies in Transatlantic Literatures (no deadline; book series)

full name / name of organization: 
Andrew Taylor
contact email: 


Series Editors: Susan Manning & Andrew Taylor, University of Edinburgh

With the end of the Cold War and the burgeoning of a global culture, the
assumptions upon which Area Studies were based have started to be
undermined. Edinburgh Studies in Transatlantic Literatures is an
exciting new publishing venture that will promote the study of American
literatures beyond national perimeters. How are place-based identities
transformed by a wider Atlantic world? To what extent has the literature
of the American hemisphere always and inevitably been in dialogue with
that of Europe? What forms of literary expression do national identity
and cultural nationalism take in a transnational environment?

The series will explore the theoretical implications of comparing
transatlantic literary cultures and publish important studies of
transatlantic exchange in practice. It aims to be flexible in approach,
incorporating Readers aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students,
monographs, and tightly-conceived edited collections.

Proposals for the series should be sent to: Professor Susan Manning or
Dr Andrew Taylor, English Literature, University of Edinburgh, David
Hume Tower, George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9JX, United Kingdom. Email: or

Edinburgh Studies in Transatlantic Literatures is published by Edinburgh
University Press

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Oct 04 2004 - 13:09:18 EDT
