CFP: Gendered Bodies, Religious Spirits: Performance and Power in the Faiths of Abraham (12/1/04; collection)
My colleague Gwendolyn Alker and I wanted to let you know about an=20
anthology we are co-editing. We would be very grateful if you could=20
forward our call for contributions to any listserves, groups, or=20
individuals you think appropriate.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions or=20
comments about our project.
With best regards,
Julia Whitworth
Gendered Bodies, Religious Spirits:
Performance and Power in the Faiths of Abraham
Gwendolyn Alker and Julia Whitworth, editors
This edited anthology will use performance studies to explore the=20
vibrant intersections between religious practice, gender, and politics=20=
in the three Abrahamic faiths=97Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.=A0 =
now, no single volume has interrogated how performance studies as a=20
discipline might elucidate the connections between religion and gender,=20=
or how religion interrogates the relationship between performance and=20
gender. This volume will appeal to anyone interested in the ways that=20
religion, gender, performance, and politics have converged.
Framing questions:
=95How have individuals and groups enacted the key historical=20
intersections between religious practice and feminist theory?
=95How has religion been used both to regulate and to liberate=20
performances of gender and sexuality?
=95Why and how are performative questions of gender and religion=20
relevant in the current political, social, and cultural moment?
=95How might using the lens of performance studies bring into clearer=20=
focus the disciplines of religious and gender studies and their=20
Possible topics:
The influence of religious thought in first and second wave feminism =95=20=
Dybbuk Possession and Women's Religiosity =95 Elizabeth Cady Stanton and=20=
The Woman's Bible =95 Anne Hutchinson and the antinomian controversy =95=20=
Masculine identity and martyrdom =95 Religious prohibitions against=20
homosexuality in Christianity, Judaism, and/or Islam =95 Race and gender=20=
in the Gospel Church tradition =95 Zora Neale Hurston's The Sanctified=20=
Church =95 Reeinvisioning female figures in the Qu'ran, Torah, Bible =95=20=
Mary Magdalene, the Gnostic Gospels, and The DaVinci Codes =95 Feminist=20=
theologies and rituals =95 Mitzvah regulations and the woman=92s body =95=20=
Gendered and religious discourse in the current =93war on terror=94 =95=20=
Representation and the Burqa and/or Hijab =95 Madonna and the Kabbalah =95=
Constructions of masculinity/femininity in televangelism, religious=20
media, and mass rallies =95 Homosexuality in the clergy =95 Jewish women=20=
and performance of domestic religiosity =95 Religious mysticism and the=20=
female body =95 Audience segregation in the performance of the Tazieh =95=20=
Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Siena, Joan of Arc, Julian of Norwich =95=20=
The Cyber-Fatima movement /Islamic women and the Internet =95 Clerical=20=
costuming and Drag =95 Staging of the Religious Right: Tammy Faye =
the New Abstinence Movement, Promise Keepers, Fred Phelps =95 =
art and religious iconography in the work of Reverend Billy, the=20
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, and others =95
As this list is meant to be generative, we welcome scholars working on=20=
a wide array of areas. All respondents are asked to think proactively=20
about expanding the disciplinary margins of performance, gender, and=20
religious studies.
Queries and suggestions may be emailed to Gwendolyn Alker, Associate=20
Teacher of Theatre Studies, Department of Drama, New York University,=20
at, or to Julia Whitworth, Visiting Lecturer in=20=
Theatre Arts, Mount Holyoke College, at =
send article abstracts (500 words maximum) and C.V. by December 1st,=20
Julia Whitworth
Mount Holyoke College
Department of Theatre Arts
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Oct 04 2004 - 13:03:07 EDT