CFP: Anne Hebert: Essays On Her Work (2/1/05; collection)
CFP: Anne Hébert: Essays On Her Work
Guernica Editions will be publishing a book on Québecois author Anne
Hébert for their Writers Series in 2006. New essays on any aspect of
Hébert's work are being solicited for the publication. Particular
preference will be given to studies that include more than one of
Hébert's works, or that focus on her later publications (Poèmes pour
la main gauche, Aurélien, Clara, Mademoiselle, et le Lieutenant
anglais, Un habit de lumière, Est-ce que je te derange?). All essays
will be published in English, but French submission are welcome, and
if accepted will be translated by the editor.
The essays should be between 15-20 pages, formatted following MLA
style. Please send papers electronically in Word or Rich Text Format
(rtf) before February 1, 2005 to Lee Skallerup, editor
( Please feel free to contact the editor if there
are any questions.
Lee Skallerup
Ph.D Candidate (ABD)
Comparative Literature
University of Alberta
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Oct 11 2004 - 13:43:10 EDT