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UPDATE: Reading Stargate SG-1 and Beyond (11/1/04; collection)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 5:50pm

Abstract Submission Deadline Extention to November 1 2004

Reading Stargate SG-1 and Beyond: Stan Beeler and Lisa Dickson, eds.
Essay abstracts of 250 - 500 words should be forwarded by Nov 1 2004 to
Stan Beeler, stan_at_unbc.ca or
Lisa Dickson, dicksonl_at_unbc.ca

UPDATE: Reading Stargate SG-1 and Beyond (11/1/04; collection)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 5:50pm

Abstract Submission Deadline Extention to November 1 2004

Reading Stargate SG-1 and Beyond: Stan Beeler and Lisa Dickson, eds.
Essay abstracts of 250 - 500 words should be forwarded by Nov 1 2004 to
Stan Beeler, stan_at_unbc.ca or
Lisa Dickson, dicksonl_at_unbc.ca

UPDATE: Reading Stargate SG-1 and Beyond (11/1/04; collection)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 5:50pm

Abstract Submission Deadline Extention to November 1 2004

Reading Stargate SG-1 and Beyond: Stan Beeler and Lisa Dickson, eds.
Essay abstracts of 250 - 500 words should be forwarded by Nov 1 2004 to
Stan Beeler, stan_at_unbc.ca or
Lisa Dickson, dicksonl_at_unbc.ca

CFP: Tayo Olafioye (1/15/05; collection)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 5:46pm
beth virtanen

The notion of a global village has demolished all
cultural barriers with the emergence of a global
literary culture where works of great writers can
receive adequate global attention on the world's
literary playground . . .
My co-editor Sola Owonibi, of Adekunle Ajasin
University, Ondo State, Nigeria, and I, Beth Virtanen,
at the University of Puerto Rico, U.S.A, have received
confirmation of interest from our publisher Rasmed
Publications of Ibadan, Nigeria, for our proposed book
of collected essays on the work of the Nigerian-born
poet Tayo Olafioye who has spent the last thirty years
writing and working in the United States. This

CFP: Tayo Olafioye (1/15/05; collection)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 5:46pm
beth virtanen

The notion of a global village has demolished all
cultural barriers with the emergence of a global
literary culture where works of great writers can
receive adequate global attention on the world's
literary playground . . .
My co-editor Sola Owonibi, of Adekunle Ajasin
University, Ondo State, Nigeria, and I, Beth Virtanen,
at the University of Puerto Rico, U.S.A, have received
confirmation of interest from our publisher Rasmed
Publications of Ibadan, Nigeria, for our proposed book
of collected essays on the work of the Nigerian-born
poet Tayo Olafioye who has spent the last thirty years
writing and working in the United States. This

UPDATE: Nebula: Generalist/All Topics (11/12/04; e-journal)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 5:43pm

Nebula is currently preparing its third and Super 2004/2005
issue. The deadline for submissions has been extended to 12
November 2004.

Nebula aims to represent as many diverse and various
intellectual systems of thought as possible in each issue. We
encourage articles that represent sound research and logical
argumentation in any field of academic study,provided that
the article is written in non-specialist language and is
therefore accessible to an inter- disciplinary readership.
Referencing style is open, however both consistency and
thoroughness are required.

CFP: Encyclopedia of Prostitution (no deadline noted; collection)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 5:39pm
Rachel Given-Wilson

The Historical Encyclopedia of Prostitution is a
reference work about prostitution past and present,
both worldwide (mostly in the West) and in the United
States to be published by Greenwood Press. With
approximately 600 entries on health, cultural issues,
migration, boom towns, legislation, technology,
literature, movies, and more, this three-volume
encyclopedia promises to be a foremost resource
devoted to this high-interest yet sensitive topic.

Entries related to literature which remain unassigned

African Literature

American Literature


English Literature

Fallen Woman trope

Fanny Hill

French Literature


CFP: Literary/Cultural Studies (undergrad) (11/1/04; journal issue)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 5:29pm
Hotel: Critical Review / Revue Critique

Hotel: Critical Review / Revue Critique, an undergraduate journal of
and cultural studies based at McGill University, is calling for papers for
Spring 2005 issue. We are looking for critical writing from undergraduates
any subject having to do with literature, culture, and the arts for a
non-specialist readership. We are especially interested in essays that take
interdisciplinary or unusual approaches to cultural issues while using
language and formats. For more information about the journal, and to
our most recent issue, please see our website:

CFP: Literary/Cultural Studies (undergrad) (11/1/04; journal issue)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 - 5:29pm
Hotel: Critical Review / Revue Critique

Hotel: Critical Review / Revue Critique, an undergraduate journal of
and cultural studies based at McGill University, is calling for papers for
Spring 2005 issue. We are looking for critical writing from undergraduates
any subject having to do with literature, culture, and the arts for a
non-specialist readership. We are especially interested in essays that take
interdisciplinary or unusual approaches to cultural issues while using
language and formats. For more information about the journal, and to
our most recent issue, please see our website: