CFP: Hellenism/Modernism (1/15/05; journal issue)

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Special Issue: Agora


Deadline: January 15, 2005


The editors of Agora seek papers that examine the relationship between
Modernism and Hellenism. The topic of Hellenism and the Arts in the
Twentieth Century has been a rising area of scholarly interest, ranging from
broad studies such as Roessel's recent In *Byron's Shadow* and Keeley's
*Inventing Paradise* to author-specific works like Gregory's *H.D. and
Hellenism* or Schork's *Greek and Hellenic Culture in Joyce*. Authors as
diverse as Hemingway and H.D. or Conrad and Cohen have all found significant
inspiration through an engagement with their Philhellenic interests.
Moreover, given the prominence of Said's *Orientalism* over the past
twenty-five years, analysis of Hellenism as a discourse is particularly
welcomed. We encourage works with a postcolonial or colonial focus and aim
for this issue to address a prominent gap in scholarship——studies of
Modernism have largely endorsed the importance of postcolonial readings, yet
Hellenism's role as a defining discourse primarily conducted by foreign
powers remains understudied.

Submissions may address any aspect of Hellenism or Philhellenism in
conjunction with Modernist arts and letters. Papers that take advantage of
the electronic medium are encouraged, though authors are responsible for
arranging rights for materials for which they do not hold copyright. Authors
might consider, but are not limited to:

• popular culture materials related to or
  representing Greece
• Modernist circles based in Greece or centred
  around Greek authors
• Hellenism as an academic discourse with
  political and artistic implications
• tourism and cultural commodities
• travel literature
• emigrant/immigrant literature
• the Greek diaspora
• Hellenic locales and centres outside of

Please direct enquiries and submissions to the editors of this special
issue, Beatrice Skordili <> and James Gifford
<>, or <>.


Agora is comprised of an international board of Associate Editors. The
journal is indexed in the MLA Bibliography and the Canadian Literary
Periodical Index; it is also archived in the National Library of Canada.
Submissions are welcomed from (post)graduate students and new scholars in
any disciplinary field.

Manuscripts, with a 200-250 word abstract, can be submitted in either
hard-copy or electronic format, although accepted papers must be submitted
electronically in accordance with current MLA guidelines. The author's name
should not appear on the manuscript, but on a separate cover page, or for
e-mail submissions, in the body of the e-mail stating name, mailing address,
e-mail address and the title of the paper. Electronic submissions may be
sent to Agora on a 3.5 diskette, or via e-mail <>
with the subject heading "Submission." Documents should be formatted in MS
Word, HTML, or Rich Text Format. Print submissions may be sent in duplicate

Agora: An Online Graduate Journal
Department of English
3-5 Humanities Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta

Hard-copy submissions and diskettes will not be returned. For more
information, please contact the editors at:

Agora: An Online Graduate Journal
Department of English, 3-5 Humanities Centre
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2E5
Fax: (780) 492-8142

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Oct 13 2004 - 13:49:37 EDT
