CFP: Tayo Olafioye (1/15/05; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
beth virtanen
contact email: 

The notion of a global village has demolished all
cultural barriers with the emergence of a global
literary culture where works of great writers can
receive adequate global attention on the world's
literary playground . . .
My co-editor Sola Owonibi, of Adekunle Ajasin
University, Ondo State, Nigeria, and I, Beth Virtanen,
at the University of Puerto Rico, U.S.A, have received
confirmation of interest from our publisher Rasmed
Publications of Ibadan, Nigeria, for our proposed book
of collected essays on the work of the Nigerian-born
poet Tayo Olafioye who has spent the last thirty years
writing and working in the United States. This
collection of essays commemorates his many successful
years as poet, world citizen, social critic, learned
scholar, and beloved teacher. We are soliciting
manuscripts on any aspects of the work of Tayo
Olafioye. This project commemorates his commitment to
the improvement of society, one individual at a time,
through his thoughtful interaction with colleagues and
competitors, friends and friendly adversaries,
students and aspiring literati.
Nigerian-born writer Tayo Pete Olafioye is a Professor
of English at National University and Southwestern
College in San Diego, California. He has won the
Golden Poet Award in San Francisco and the National
Library Award of America.
His books include the following:
Forthcoming - Dining with the Gods: Stories from
Africa. Lagos, Nigeria: Malthouse.
Forthcoming - My Heart Swims in the Tears of
Happiness. Lagos, Nigeria: Malthouse.
2004 - Tomorrow Left Us Yesterday. Poems. Lagos,
Nigeria: Malthouse, 2004.
2002 - Selected Poems 1984-2002. Poetry. Trenton, New
Jersey: Africa World Press.
2002 - The Parliament of Idiots. Poetry. Kraft:
2000 - Ubangiji: The Conscience of Eternity. Poetry.
Lagos/Oxford: Malthouse.
2000 - Tanure 0jaide: Critical Appraisal. Criticism.
Lagos/Oxford: Malthouse.
2000 - A Carnival of Looters. Poetry. Kraft: Ibadan.
2000 - Grandma's Sun: Childhood Memoir. Fiction.
Calabar: Univ. of Calabar Press.
2000 - A Stroke of Hope. Poetry. Lagos/Oxford:
1997 - Arrowheads to My Heart. Poetry. Lagos/Oxford:
Malthouse Press Ltd.
1994 - Mother Earth Anthology of African Poems.
Poetry. San Francisco: National Poetry Association of
America, Uniting the World Press.
1989 - Critic as Terrorist. Criticism. San Diego:
Advantage Books.
1989 - Be Careful, This is My Heart. Essays. San
Diego: H & M Press.
1989 - Sorrows of a Town Crier. Poetry. San Diego: H &
M Press.
1988 - Response to Creativity. Criticism. San
Francisco: Pacific Coast Africanist Association.
1988 - Bush Girl Comes to Town. Fiction. Martinez:
Pacific Coast Press.
1986 - The Excellence of Silence. Trans (Cyrillic
Slav). Poetry. Skopjie: Macedonia Press.
1985 - The Saga of Sego. Fiction. San Francisco:
Pacific Coast Africanist Association.
1984 - Politics in African Poetry. Criticism. San
Francisco: Pacific Coast Africanist Association.
Suggested topics include but certainly not limited to
the following:
•His work as diaspora literature
•His work as Nigerian literature
•His place in African English Linguistics
•His transnational poetics
•His contribution to African and Diaspora
•The meaning of "Town Crier" in contemporary
•The importance of cultural critique and how
his works accomplish this goal
Please submit complete manuscripts to by January 15, 2005.

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Received on Wed Oct 13 2004 - 13:46:42 EDT