UPDATE: Nebula: Generalist/All Topics (11/12/04; e-journal)

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Nebula is currently preparing its third and Super 2004/2005
issue. The deadline for submissions has been extended to 12
November 2004.

Nebula aims to represent as many diverse and various
intellectual systems of thought as possible in each issue. We
encourage articles that represent sound research and logical
argumentation in any field of academic study,provided that
the article is written in non-specialist language and is
therefore accessible to an inter- disciplinary readership.
Referencing style is open, however both consistency and
thoroughness are required.

In addition, Nebula aims to provide a platform for
intellectual writing and thought that is not always confined
to the generic conventions of the academic essay. Therefore
we invite intellectual writing that is neither strictly a
reflection of research findings or simply based on opinion.
We encourage active reflection on and analysis of current
military conflicts worldwide as well as sound scrutiny of
various political climates/contexts/issues. We encourage
writers to look beyond partisanship. Nebula also accepts
writing that is not politically motivated, but which may be
attuned to various other cultural, social or artistic
concerns (including television, film, media or music

We also welcome literary and art pieces that can be viewed on
the world wide web such as cartoons, short dramatic pieces,
poetry, painting, digital images and fiction.

With NEBULA 1.2 now ONLINE, this scholarly and literary
project is beginning to take shape as a unique international
academic publication. You can view our latest issue, as well
as learn more about the journal format @
http://www.nobleworld.biz . Please email your submissions,
enquiries or feedback to nebula_at_nobleworld.biz.
              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Wed Oct 13 2004 - 13:43:46 EDT