CFP: Modern Hebrew Writers, Beginnings to 1973 (various; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
D. Mesher
contact email: 

CFP: Modern Hebrew Writers, Beginnings to 1973 (deadline various; collection)

Call for Contributors

Dictionary of Literary Biography

Modern Hebrew Writers, Beginnings to 1973

We are seeking contributors for a volume on "Modern Hebrew Writers,
Beginnings to 1973," to be published in the Dictionary of Literary
Biography, a reference series widely available, on shelves and online, at
academic and other libraries. Entries should combine a biographical
overview with a critical analysis of the author's major publications in
Hebrew, and must include a bibliography of primary and selected secondary
works. For more information on the format of the entries, please refer to
the Dictionary of Literary Biography web site at

Because of the large number of entries to be included in this volume,
contributors will be asked to undertake entries on at least three authors.
Scholars interested in contributing entries should select their subjects
from the following list (length of entry, in words, indicated
parethetically), and then contact the editors via email, with a statement
of interest and an attached c.v. Deadlines for submission of entries will
be staggered, beginning 1 March 2005. Contributors will receive an
honorarium for each entry, as well as a copy of the volume, on its publication.

Agnon, SY (10,000)
Aloni, Nissim (5,000)
Alterman, Nathan (8,000)
Amichai, Yehuda (10,000)
Amir, Aharon (3,000)
Avidan, David (3,000)
Ballas, Shimon (3,000)
Baron, Dvora (5,000)
Bartov, Hanoch (5,000)
Bat-Miriam, Yocheved (3,000)
Ben-Amotz, Dahn (3,000)
Berdyczewski, Micha Josef (5,000)
Besser, Yaakov (3,000)
Bialik, Hayyim Nachman (10,000)
Brenner, Yosef Haim (7,000)
Burla, Yehuda (3,000)
Carmi, T. (3,000)
Chalfi, Abraham (3,000)
DeNur, Yehiel (5,000)
Dor, Moshe (3,000)
Fichman, Jacob (3,000)
Fraenkel, Naomi (5,000)
Frishman, David (3,000)
Gilboa, Amir (3,000)
Gnessin, Uri Nissan (5,000)
Goldberg, Leah (7,000)
Gouri, Haim (5,000)
Greenberg, Uri Zvi (7,000)
Halkin, Shimon (3,000)
Hazaz, Haim (5,000)
Hendel, Yehudit (3,000)
Kabak, Aharon Avraham (3,000)
Katznelson, Yitzhak (3,000)
Kimche, Dov (3,000)
Kipnis, Levin (3,000)
Kishon, Ephraim (3,000)
Kovner, Abba (5,000)
Mapu, Abraham (5,000)
Megged, Aharon (5,000)
Mendele Mocher Sefarim (5,000)
Nitzan, Shlomo (3,000)
Oren, Yitzhak (3,000)
Orlev, Uri (3,000)
Orpaz-Auerbach, Yitzhak (5,000)
Pagis, Dan (5,000)
Peretz, YL (7,000)
Raab, Esther (3,000)
Rachel (Rachel Bluwstein) (7,000)
Ratosh, Yonathan (3,000)
Reuveni, Aharon (3,000)
Rokeah, David (3,000)
Sadeh, Pinhas (5,000)
Sened, Yonat and Alexander (3,000)
Shaham, Nathan (5,000)
Shahar, David (3,000)
Shalom, Shin (3,000)
Shalom Aleichem (5,000)
Shami, Yitzhak (3,000)
Shamir, Moshe (5,000)
Shimoni, David (3,000)
Shlonsky, Avraham (5,000)
Shneour, Zalman (3,000)
Shofman, Gershon (5,000)
Smilansky, Moshe (3,000)
Smolenskin, Peretz (3,000)
Tchernichovsky, Shaul (8,000)
Vogel, David (5,000)
Wallach, Yona (5,000)
Yeshurun, Avoth (3,000)
Yizhar, S. (5,000)
Yonathan, Nathan (3,000)
Zach, Natan (7,000)

Dvir Abramovich
The University of Melbourne Centre for Jewish History and Culture
The University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010, Australia
David Mesher
Department of English and Comparative Literature
San Jose State University
San Jose, CA 95192-0090, USA

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Received on Wed Oct 20 2004 - 00:09:40 EDT