CFP: Comparative Literature (grad) (1/15/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Morgan Lynn
contact email: 

Call for Papers

Portals: A Journal of Comparative Literature is a graduate student
journal published by the Comparative Literature Association of San
Francisco State University.

Portals invites original, critical essay submissions that explore
comparative literary topics across cultural, regional, linguistic, and
temporal boundaries.

Papers should be in English. All citations in foreign languages must
be clearly translated in the body of the text and properly cited.
Papers should be no longer than 25 pages in 12 point font, and should
include be properly formatted and documented in MLA style.

Portals also invites short poetry translations. Translations should be
no longer than two MLA pages, and must include an additional 2-5 page
explication of the translation. Poetry will be published in tandem
with the original. Please submit the original with complete citation.

All submissions are to be sent via email as an MS-Word attachment.
Submissions must include a standard cover sheet, a 250-word abstract,
and a short bio including name, address, telephone, email address,
school affiliation, and current academic standing. (Only papers by
currently enrolled graduate students and doctoral candidates will be

Contributions for the journal are reviewed with the understanding that
they have not been submitted to another journal.

Due Date: January 15, 2005

Please direct all submissions and inquiries to:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Oct 25 2004 - 18:27:11 EDT