CFP: Pics and Bits: Word and Image in Art Forms and Communication Media (12/5/04; e-journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Kirsten C. Uszkalo
contact email: 

Call for Papers

Issue #15: Pics and Bits

In the Humanities, we long ago redefined the concept of "text" to=20
include architecture, clothing, furniture, and any other material=20
object, artistic or otherwise, that can be a vessel for narrative. It is =

possible, in fact, that the printed word as we know it is merely a blip=20
in the history of human communication.

The changing definition of "text" forces us to ask certain, possibly=20
worrying, questions: How has living in the relatively recent era of the=20
printed word changed us culturally? How are we adapting to the shift=20
(back?) to pictorial communication? Are so-called hybrid art=20
forms--film, hypertext, web design, GUI, comics--a symptom of our=20
position between the worlds of text and image?

nasty invites submissions on the subject of art forms and communication=20
media that marry the word and the image, or place the two in tension =
each other. nasty will accept conference-length papers on comics, comix, =

and graphic novels, both mainstream and underground; cybertexts that=20
employ mixed media, such as hypertext, cyber novels, etc.; and=20
traditional mixed-media art forms such as film and performance art.

We will also accept short fiction and poetry on the general subject of =
relationship between text and image.

Deadline for abstracts or paper proposals is December 5th, 2004.

For more information about nasty, see <>, and for=20
more information about our submission guidelines, see=20

   kirsten c uszkalo :: PhD Candidate :: General Editor :: =
English 111=20
                                 University of Alberta =
   Primary Instructor
::"its everything the trucker hat tried to be, but couldn't pull off"::

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Received on Thu Oct 28 2004 - 14:59:30 EDT