CFP: Feminism, Science Fiction, and Fantasy (12/3/04, journal issue)
Call For Papers: The WisCon Issue of Extrapolation
Guest Editors: Joan Haran and Helen Pilinovsky
Deadline for submission: 03 December, 2004
The guest editors for the special WisCon issue of Extrapolation invite
submissions for Vol. 46, No. 1. This will be our third annual issue:
all WisCon participants and other interested parties are encouraged to
contribute. The WisCon issue of Extrapolation is intended to fulfill
two main goals:
* To provide a space for the contextualization and examination of the
field of feminist science fiction
* To stimulate focused discourse by providing the best papers presented
at WisCon to an extended audience.
We are seeking articles concerning any and all aspects of the
intersections of feminism, science fiction and fantasy. Papers
presented at or inspired by WisCon are sought, and scholarly works
concentrating on the work of Guests of Honor Eleanor Arnason and/or
Patricia McKillip are particularly welcome. Other welcome topics might
address some of the questions raised at WisCon, such as:
*Feminist communities - real and imagined
*The integration of fans and professionals in the science fiction
* Fantasy and science fiction that explores/expands notions of gender
Previous issues have covered topics ranging from the history of women's
roles in science fiction to the questions surrounding slash fiction;
from maternity in feminist fiction to theorizations of gendered
sexuality and dominance. Judging from this year's WisCon presentations,
we'll be seeing many more challenging topics in this upcoming issue.
All manuscript submissions, including explanatory notes and the list of
Works Cited, should be double-spaced in a size 12 font. Neither
embedded footnotes nor generated footnotes should be used. Documentation
should follow the MLA Style Manual (1999) with parenthetical citations
in the text and a Works Cited list at the end. Only explanatory endnotes
are needed.
Reviews of queries, proposals, and papers will begin immediately: please
send papers as attachments in either MS Word or as rich text format
(.rtf) simultaneously to :
Joan Haran
Javier Martinez
Helen Pilinovsky
"Extrapolation" is a peer reviewed academic journal which publishes
original essays and reviews exploring all aspects of the fantastic,
including science fiction, fantasy and horror in print and film. The
journal has been publishing quality work by established and new scholars
since 1959. Its membership roster includes hundreds of universities and
individuals across North and South America, Europe and Asia. The editors
of the journal, Donald "Mack" Hassler and Javier A. Martinez, are
excited by the opportunity to work together with WisCon and to provide
another venue for the ongoing dialogue between feminism, fan culture and
academia. The special issue will feature established voices in the
community as well as newcomers who are reshaping the field for a new
generation. For more information:
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Nov 01 2004 - 10:30:00 EST