
displaying 1 - 11 of 11

CFP: Vintage Videogames (12/1/04; collection)

Friday, November 5, 2004 - 10:06pm
matteo bittanti


Ludologica Retro, Volume 1: Vintage Arcade (1971- 1984), edited by Ian
Bogost & Matteo Bittanti

"Ludologica. Videogames d'Autore" is pleased to announce its Call for
Papers for a book on classic video games that will be published in

Provisionally titled "Ludologica Retro, Volume 1: Vintage Arcade (1971 –
1984)", this interdisciplinary critical anthology will explore a range
of topics regarding the aesthetic, cultural, and social significance of
seminal vintage arcade games. The volume will be edited by Ian Bogost
(Georgia Institute of Technology) and Matteo Bittanti (Libera Università
di Lingue e Comunicazione, IULM).

CFP: Vintage Videogames (12/1/04; collection)

Friday, November 5, 2004 - 10:06pm
matteo bittanti


Ludologica Retro, Volume 1: Vintage Arcade (1971- 1984), edited by Ian
Bogost & Matteo Bittanti

"Ludologica. Videogames d'Autore" is pleased to announce its Call for
Papers for a book on classic video games that will be published in

Provisionally titled "Ludologica Retro, Volume 1: Vintage Arcade (1971 –
1984)", this interdisciplinary critical anthology will explore a range
of topics regarding the aesthetic, cultural, and social significance of
seminal vintage arcade games. The volume will be edited by Ian Bogost
(Georgia Institute of Technology) and Matteo Bittanti (Libera Università
di Lingue e Comunicazione, IULM).

CFP: Folklore in Literature (5/15/05 & 8/30/05; collection)

Friday, November 5, 2004 - 10:04pm
Gholson, M Rachel



Folklore in the Writings of American Authors



            Recent texts focusing on folklore in literature have
highlighted classic literature. Defining literature broadly, Folklore in
the Writings of American Authors exists to offer discussion of folklore
in the `popular' writing genres: science fiction, detective fiction,
popular novels, short stories, children's literature, and horror.=20


CFP: Folklore in Literature (5/15/05 & 8/30/05; collection)

Friday, November 5, 2004 - 10:04pm
Gholson, M Rachel



Folklore in the Writings of American Authors



            Recent texts focusing on folklore in literature have
highlighted classic literature. Defining literature broadly, Folklore in
the Writings of American Authors exists to offer discussion of folklore
in the `popular' writing genres: science fiction, detective fiction,
popular novels, short stories, children's literature, and horror.=20


CFP: Literature and Politics (1/15/05; journal issue)

Friday, November 5, 2004 - 10:04pm
Arise Journal

Arise! Journal Call for Submissions


Arise! is a journal dedicated to bringing theory and practice into =
dialogue. The editorial collective is particularly interested in =
discussions of post/anti-colonialism, feminism and queer thought, =
Marxism, anarchism, environmentalism, and contemporary activist =
struggles in the United States and elsewhere.


UPDATE: Interdisciplinary Studies (11/30/04; journal issue)

Friday, November 5, 2004 - 10:04pm
Liza Das

The deadline for submission of articles is extended to November 30, 2004.

Interdisciplinary Studies, an international journal, invites manuscripts
for its inaugural issue. Articles for the inaugural issue should
preferably address the following:

-- the idea of interdisciplinarity
-- the history and development of pedagogic interdisciplinarity
-- the possibilities/ shortfalls of interdisciplinarity as a
        humanities and social sciences methodological tool.
-- state-of-the art interdisciplinary studies
-- Disciplining Interdisciplinarity

Reviews of relevant and recent books on interdisciplinary studies
are also welcome. The journal will publish special issues from time to