CFP: Reading the Romantic Text (12/15/04; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
A A Mandal
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[Apologies for cross-posting]



ISSUE 13 (WINTER 2005)

Cardiff Corvey: Reading the Romantic Text [ISSN 1471-5988] is a fully peer-reviewed academic journal (as of Issue 5, November 2000) which appears on a biannual basis in the Summer and Winter of each year. This periodical is only as substantial as the material it contains: therefore, we more than welcome any contributions that members of the academic community might wish to make. Articles we would be most interested in publishing include those addressing Romantic literary studies with an especial slant on book history, textual and bibliographical studies, the literary marketplace and the publishing world, and so forth.

Papers should be submitted at the latest by the 15 December 2005 in order to make the Winter 2005 (No 13) issue if accepted.

Any essays supplied for prospective publication on this site will be seriously considered, undergoing a process of assessment by members of the Cardiff Corvey Advisory Board: Peter Garside (Chair, Cardiff); Jane Aaron (Glamorgan), Stephen Behrendt (Nebraska), Emma Clery (Sheffield Hallam), Ed Copeland (Pomona College), Caroline Franklin (Swansea), Isobel Grundy (Alberta), David Hewitt (Aberdeen), Claire Lamont (Newcastle), Robert Miles (Stirling), Rainer Schöwerling (Paderborn), Christopher Skelton-Foord (Bodleian), Kathryn Sutherland (Oxford).

Anthony Mandal (Editor)

Dr A A Mandal ( )
Centre for Editorial & Intertextual Research, Cardiff University, PO Box 94, Cardiff CF10 3XB, Wales (UK)
'Cardiff Corvey: Reading the Romantic Text' [ISSN 1471-5988]

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Nov 05 2004 - 17:04:02 EST
