CFP: Spaces (no deadline; e-journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Strecker, Trey
contact email: 

The electronic peer-reviewed English Studies Forum ( is committed to publishing innovative creative and critical writing. The editors are seeking aesthetically adventurous work that experiments with language and thought, challenging conventional techniques of literary expression.

We are currently soliciting submissions for an ongoing forum on Spaces, which will debut online in spring 2005. Critical and creative work submitted to this forum should address any of the manifold dimensions of space(s), including (but not limited to) physical, imaginative, public, private, personal, political, local, global, marginal, mainstream, urban, rural, textual, gendered, or disciplinary sites.
We are continuing to consider manuscripts for the following forums:

The Postmodern Imagination and Beyond

The Individual in War

Parody / Play / Performance
Mind and Matter

Each issue of ESF will include 10-20 substantial reviews of fiction, poetry, drama, creative nonfiction, theory, and/or criticism. Books reviewed may (but need not) engage with a featured forum. Interested reviewers should contact the editor with a cv and description of their interests.

Electronic submissions (MS Word) are preferred. Critical papers should conform to M.L.A. style and include a bibliography, if appropriate.

Send inquiries or submissions to:

Trey Strecker, Editor
English Studies Forum
Department of English
Ball State University
Muncie, IN 47306-0460 <>

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Received on Wed Nov 10 2004 - 12:31:27 EST