CFP: Bile: The Journal of Discontent (no deadline, e-journal)

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"Bile: The Journal of Discontent"

Face it, you're angry.

There's a lot to be angry about. Bile is a new on-line journal of art,
letters, media and politics that seeks to embrace your indignation and
harness it as a trigger for progressive discussions and important
debates. Bile seeks to berate injustice, scold weak thinking, rebuke
the successes of the undeserving, and generally reprimand those who
produce, market, legislate, or enforce maddening drivel.

Yet Bile is most not a reactionary forum for the disappointed to
pursue personal vendettas. Neither is it interested in conspiracy
theories, jibes, or recklessness simply for the sake of being
reckless. Bile is responsible, pro-active, intellectually credible,
critically rigorous, and enormously disgruntled.

We are now seeking bilious contributions on a range of topics. 4,000
to 6,000 word essays on all aspects of art, literature, and culture,
but also works of intelligent satire, international, national, and
regional politics, as well as anatomies of melancholy, histories of
alienation or malcontentedness, riot, unrest, civil disobedience and
the uses of anger. We also welcome 1,000 word book, film and
television reviews.

Bile is peer-reviewed, and has an international editorial board of
academics and cultural practitioners. Our first issue will launch In
February 2005.

Editors Scott Stevens:
                Andrew Stott:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Nov 15 2004 - 11:49:12 EST