CFP: Conrad and the Orient (1/31/05; collection)
Conrad and the Orient
Edited by Amar Acheraiou and Nursel Icoz
The Eastern and Western Perspectives series devotes a volume to _Conrad and
the Orient_. We are seeking innovative and challenging essays addressing
topics relating to Conrad and the Oriental world in its geographical breadth
and cultural diversity. Comparative and interdisciplinary approaches are
Subjects include (but are not limited to):
- Representation of the Orientals (the Arabs, Chinese, Malays.) and Conrad's
relation to the discourse of Barbarism
- Eastern and Western encounters (through colonization, commerce, marriage.)
and the impossible (?) dialogue
- Eastern religions and philosophies
- Gender relations
- History and stories of the Orient
- Eastern landscapes / seascapes and their aestheticization
- The Orient between insularity and globalization
- Geographies and mental cartographies
- Culture, race, and identity
- Conrad's experience of the Orient
- Reception of Conrad's works by Oriental readership
Please, send a 500-word proposal before Jan.31st, 2005 to:
Dr Amar Acheraiou
2247, boul. Edouard Montpetit, app.7
Montreal, Quebec
Decision regarding acceptance of papers will be made by the end of March
Papers should be no longer than 6000 words, and ready for publication by
December 2005.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Nov 22 2004 - 12:28:54 EST