CFP: Literature and Medicine: Health and Human Rights (6/1/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Tara McGann
contact email: 


Special Issue of Literature and Medicine

Health and Human Rights

Volume 25, Number 1

Issue Editor: Priscilla Wald

We are interested in essays that explore the intersection of health and
human rights. What questions are currently being asked at that juncture,
and how and why might we ask them through the study of literature
(broadly conceived)? We welcome essays that consider narratives about
health and human rights as well as the narratives that structure the
concepts of health and human rights. Essays might explore why certain
stories have dominated the field (for example, narratives of heroism
and/or atrocities) and with what effect? What other stories could be
told and what might be the outcome of those retellings? We would welcome
essays that take a literary critical or cultural analytic approach to
non-literary texts, exploring the language and images through which the
concepts of health and human rights are currently imagined. We are
especially interested in essays with a concentration on global health
and the discourse of human rights and on questions of justice and
access. This special issue is motivated by our sense that, in
significant ways, health and human rights are reconstituting each other,
and we believe that a study of this dynamic could yield important
insight into contemporary understanding (and deployment) of both terms.

Deadline for submission: 1 June 2005

Manuscripts should be mailed to the address below and sent as an
attachment to the e-mail address below. Text and notes should be
double-spaced and prepared according to guidelines in The Chicago Manual
of Style, 15th edition. The manuscript should be accompanied by the
author's curriculum vitae. Literature and Medicine is a peer-reviewed
journal. Authors' names should appear only on a cover sheet and all
identifiers in the text should be masked so that manuscripts can be
reviewed anonymously. Manuscripts should be between 4,000 and 7,000
words of text in length. Literature and Medicine reviews only
unpublished manuscripts that are not simultaneously under review for
publication elsewhere. Direct all inquiries and manuscripts to:

Send paper copies of manuscripts to:

Rita Charon and Maura Spiegel, Editors-in-Chief,

Literature and Medicine,

Program in Narrative Medicine,

College of P & S, Columbia University,

630 West 168th Street, PH9E—105,

New York, NY 10032

--Tara McGannCoordinator, Program in Narrative MedicineManaging Editor, Literature & MedicineColumbia University, P&SPH 9E-105, 630 W. 168th StreetNew York, NY 10032212-305-4975 work212-305-9349 fax ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Mon Nov 22 2004 - 12:28:38 EST
