CFP: Ireland and Europe (3/31/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Pascale Amiot
contact email: 

"Ireland and Europe in the 20th century"

The interdisciplinary peer-reviewed French journal Etudes Irlandaises
invites submissions for a special issue, "Ireland and Europe in the
20th century", to be published at the end of 2005. The guest editors
are Christophe Gillissen (Paris, Sorbonne) and Stéphane Jousni
(University of Rennes 2, France).

The links between Ireland and Europe can be studied from various
angles, be they literary, historical, political, linguistic or
cultural. Possible topics, very broadly defined, include (but are not
limited to) :

- the historical dimension : the two world wars, diplomatic alliances,

- organisations: European integration, the Council of Europe, the
League of Nations,

- cultural, migratory, economic and other exchanges,

- a comparative approach:convergence and divergence (politics,
economics, society),

- the European city in 20th century Irish literature,

- the classical heritage in 20th century Irish thought,

- Europe as the crucible of modernism,

- the Irish specificity within European modernism,

- theoretical interactions between Ireland and the Continent,
especially in the field of historiography.

Articles including photographs will be particularly welcome.

Submitted articles should be sent in four paper copies and one
electronic copy by 31 March 2005 to:

Dr Christophe Gillissen
27, rue de la Fraternité
92700 Colombes

Please ask Christophe Gillissen for the style-sheet of the journal.

        Etudes Irlandaises is a peer-reviewed journal publishing
articles in English and French which explore all aspects of Irish
literature, history, culture and arts from ancient times to the
present. Etudes Irlandaises publishes twice a year on a wide range of
interdisciplinary subjects including : poetry / fiction / drama /
film / music / politics / economy / social studies, etc. General
issues published in Spring alternate with special issues in Autumn -
recent topics include the Peace Process (1999) and the Irish Language
(2001), Early Medieval Ireland (2002), Ireland and the United States
(2003), and "Irish space(s): zones and margins" (2004).
        Etudes Irlandaises is aimed at scholars, postgraduate
students, institutions specializing in Irish studies as well as
people who have an informed interest in the subject. Each number ha a
comprehensive section devoted to recently published material on

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Received on Mon Nov 29 2004 - 10:53:51 EST