CFP: Reading and Writing Orwell's 1984 (3/1/05; collection)
1984 holds a unique position in the contemporary canon, because of its
accessibility to a wide range of students, its widespread effect on literary
and popular culture, and its very strong resonances with contemporary
events. For an edited collection, we are seeking articles based on close
description of student readings of this text, both to provoke more general
discussion on how varied students work with a single, commonly-taught text,
and how students in an increasingly Orwellian society read the book's social
and political content.
Articles from any pedagogical and theoretical perspectives are welcome, with
the proviso that articles in the finished collection should be centered in
student work regarding the book. Possible topics include, but are certainly
not limited to, the following:
students of particular academic levels and/or cultural milieus reading 1984
1984 and student literacies
1984 and particular writing pedagogies
teaching rhetoric through Orwell
reading 1984 in conjunction with other texts
connections between 1984 and contemporary events and controversies
1984, doublespeak, and business and professional writing
1984 and basic writers
1984 and Post-Structuralism
1984 and Gender/Sexualities
1984 and Technophobia/Technophilia
Please submit 500-word abstracts of articles to the editors by March 1,
2005. Send inquiries and submissions to:
Randolph Cauthen Department of English Bloomsburg University Bloomsburg, PA
17815 or
Nels P. Highberg Department of Rhetoric, Language and Culture University of
Hartford West Hartford, CT 06117
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Dec 07 2004 - 10:27:03 EST