CFP: Realism and Naturalism in Film Studies (no deadline noted; 5/4/06-5/5/06)

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International Conference on Realism and Naturalism in Film Studies

The AIZEN (International Association devoted to Zola and Naturalism) and the
City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Certificate Program in Film
Studies solicit submissions for a jointly-sponsored conference on "Realism and
Naturalism in Film Studies" to be held at the

CUNY Graduate Center,
New York City, USA
MAY 4-5, 2006

We invite proposals for original papers, panels of three, and special
screenings. Innovative theoretical and critical approaches are especially welcome.
Renowned scholars, Full/Associate/Assistant Professors, Instructors, Doctoral
Candidates from the discipline of Film Studies and related areas are encouraged
to submit proposals for twenty-minute presentations. Audiovisual support will
be available upon request.

The following are suggested topics or panel headings:

Aesthetic, Form and Genre/Movement-Based Explorations of Realist or
Naturalist Film

Film Adaptations of Realist and Naturalist Fiction

Realist and Naturalist Film in the Silent Era

New Critical and Theoretical Approaches to Realist or Naturalist Film

Specific Realist or Naturalist Directors, Films and National Cinemas

Under-Represented Films, Filmmakers, and Nationalist Cinemas

New Technologies and Film Realism or Naturalism

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Realist and Naturalist Film

Film Realism or Naturalism and Art History
The overwhelming majority of papers must be presented in English; there will
be only two panels in French and/or Spanish.

Proposing a paper/article for presentation at the AIZEN conference in New
York, 2006, is an automatic submission for consideration for publication in
either EXCAVATIO or in a future collection of essays to be published by AIZEN.

Rememberâ€"check the AIZEN website for additional information!

Starting January 1, 2005, please e-mail or mail your abstracts with a brief
resume to:

Professor Robert Singer
Kingsborough, CUNY
Department of English, C-309
2001 Oriental Blvd
Brooklyn, NY 11235, USA

voice: (718) 368-5961
fax: (718) 368-4786

For more information, see:
AIZEN web site:
              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Dec 07 2004 - 10:27:09 EST
