CFP: New Shakespeare Journal (7/31/05 and ongoing; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Dr. Sujata Iyengar
contact email: 

Call for Papers (New Shakespeare Journal; 7/31/05 and ongoing)

The editors of Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and
Appropriation welcome original scholarship engaging with the
afterlives of Shakespearean texts and their literary, filmic,
multimedia, and critical histories.
Borrowers and Lenders is a new, peer-reviewed, online, multimedia
Shakespeare journal to be launched at the Shakespeare Association of
America Meeting in Bermuda in March 2005. The journal will appear
biannually, with a special issue in the Spring and general issue in
the Fall.

Issue 1.1, Shakespeare in the American South, includes Stephen Buhler
on Duke Ellington's and Billy Strayhorn's Such Sweet Thunder, Frances
Teague on Swingin' The Dream, Terence Hawkes on Shakespeare and The
Duke, Douglas Lanier on Minstrelsy and Shakespearean Legitimation,
Celia Daileader on Othelloophilia in Wuthering Heights, Gone With the
Wind, and The Wind Done Gone, Christy Desmet on William Gilmore
Simms' novelized Othello, and Alan Corrigan's description of the
newly rediscovered script of Swingin' the Dream. 1.1 also
incorporates a cluster of shorter essays on Shakespeare festivals in
the Southern United States.

Currently we solicit essays, book reviews, accounts of Appropriation
in Performance, and new discoveries for upcoming general and special
issues. Our first general issue, 1.2, will appear in October 2005.
Future special issues include Shakespeare for Children (2006),
Canadian Shakespeares (2007, guest-editor Daniel Fischlin,
<>Canadian Appropriations of
Shakespeare Project) , Shakespeare and Science-Fiction, and
Shakespeare and Opera.

Submissions for Volume 1.2 should reach the editors by July 31, 2005.
General inquiries should be addressed to the General Editors, Christy
Desmet and Sujata Iyengar, by email at, or
to Associate Editor Robert Sawyer at
Book reviewers may contact our book review editor, Kalpen Trivedi,
directly by email at Reviewers of Appropriations in
Performance may contact our performance review editor, Matthew
Kozusko, directly at

Submission information:

  B&L uses The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th or 15th edition, with a
preference for parenthetical citations using the author-date -page
number system. We can accept manuscripts in Word, Word Perfect or RTF
formats. We prefer email attachments, but also accept manuscripts on
diskette or CD. Articles generally run from 7000 to 9000 words, but
we also occasionally publish "clusters" of shorter essays on a
related theme. We welcome proposals for future essay-clusters by
groups of scholars.

Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation
is supported by the University of Georgia English Department, the
Center for Humanities and Arts at the University of Georgia, and the
President's Venture Fund of the University of Georgia.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Dec 10 2004 - 14:46:53 EST
