displaying 1 - 15 of 4767

CFP: Creative Writing: Issues (3/1/06; RMMLA, 10/12/06-10/14/06)

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 4:45pm
Kelan Koning

Panel Topic: Issues in Creative Writing Rocky Mountain MLA Convention
October 12 - October 14, 2006 DoubleTree Resort Hotel at Reid Park in
Tucson, Arizona

Deadline: March 1, 2006


Our panel can encompass a wide range of presentations on "issues
in"--broadly defined to include the pedagogy of creative writing, the
writing life, and other professional issues to do with the academic
discipline of creative writing, specific or general. This session is
distinct from the poetry and fiction readings held at RMMLA. In order to
be considered for the issues in creative writing panel at RMMLA 2006, please
send an abstract, CV, and cover letter by March 1 to:


Kelan L. Koning

CFP: Teaching Methodologies in the Humanities and Sciences (2/28/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 4:45pm
Jennifer Way

Call for essays on Teaching Methodologies in the Humanities and
Sciences, for publication as a special section in Academic Exchange
Quarterly 10 no 2 (Summer 2006). Guest Editor, Jennifer Way, Associate
Professor, Art History, JWay_at_unt.edu. Manuscripts from graduate students
and college and university faculty are especially welcomed. For details,
including instructions for submission, please consult
http://rapidintellect.com/AEQweb/5method.htm. Deadline: end of February
2006. Early submission is encouraged.

CFP: Teaching Methodologies in the Humanities and Sciences (2/28/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 4:45pm
Jennifer Way

Call for essays on Teaching Methodologies in the Humanities and
Sciences, for publication as a special section in Academic Exchange
Quarterly 10 no 2 (Summer 2006). Guest Editor, Jennifer Way, Associate
Professor, Art History, JWay_at_unt.edu. Manuscripts from graduate students
and college and university faculty are especially welcomed. For details,
including instructions for submission, please consult
http://rapidintellect.com/AEQweb/5method.htm. Deadline: end of February
2006. Early submission is encouraged.

UPDATE: Space of Garden - Space of Culture (Poland) (1/31/06; 5/13/06-5/15/06)

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 4:45pm
Jaroslaw Pluciennik

Sorry for repeating the message but much of the former mail
has been changed as illegible.

We are pleased to inform you that between May 13th and May
15th, 2006, Katedra Teorii Literatury [Department of Theory
of Literature] of Instytut Teorii Literatury, Teatru i Sztuk
Audiowizualnych [Institute of the Theory of Literature,
Theatre and Audio-Visual Arts] of Uniwersytet Lodzki [the
University of Lodz] organizes an international conference
devoted to:

Space of a Garden â€" Space of Culture

UPDATE: Space of Garden - Space of Culture (Poland) (1/31/06; 5/13/06-5/15/06)

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 4:45pm
Jaroslaw Pluciennik

Sorry for repeating the message but much of the former mail
has been changed as illegible.

We are pleased to inform you that between May 13th and May
15th, 2006, Katedra Teorii Literatury [Department of Theory
of Literature] of Instytut Teorii Literatury, Teatru i Sztuk
Audiowizualnych [Institute of the Theory of Literature,
Theatre and Audio-Visual Arts] of Uniwersytet Lodzki [the
University of Lodz] organizes an international conference
devoted to:

Space of a Garden â€" Space of Culture

UPDATE: The Theory and Practice of Life Writing: Auto/biography, Memoir and Travel Writing in Post/modern Literature (Turkey) (2

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 4:44pm
Sirma Soran Gumpert

UPDATE: The Theory and Practice of Life Writing:
Auto/biography, Memoir and Travel Writing in
Post/modern Literature (Turkey) (2/20/06;

Important Update Concerning Paper Proposals

Symposium, Halic University, Department of American
Culture and Literature

'The Theory and Practice of Life Writing:
Auto/biography, Memoirs and Travel Writing in
Post/modern Literature', Istanbul, April 2006.

We are glad to announce that our symposium has
generated a great deal of international interest. Due
to the volume of proposals we have already received,
we have been forced to set an earlier deadline for
forthcoming proposals.

UPDATE: The Theory and Practice of Life Writing: Auto/biography, Memoir and Travel Writing in Post/modern Literature (Turkey) (2

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 4:44pm
Sirma Soran Gumpert

UPDATE: The Theory and Practice of Life Writing:
Auto/biography, Memoir and Travel Writing in
Post/modern Literature (Turkey) (2/20/06;

Important Update Concerning Paper Proposals

Symposium, Halic University, Department of American
Culture and Literature

'The Theory and Practice of Life Writing:
Auto/biography, Memoirs and Travel Writing in
Post/modern Literature', Istanbul, April 2006.

We are glad to announce that our symposium has
generated a great deal of international interest. Due
to the volume of proposals we have already received,
we have been forced to set an earlier deadline for
forthcoming proposals.

UPDATE: The Theory and Practice of Life Writing: Auto/biography, Memoir and Travel Writing in Post/modern Literature (Turkey) (2

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 4:44pm
Sirma Soran Gumpert

UPDATE: The Theory and Practice of Life Writing:
Auto/biography, Memoir and Travel Writing in
Post/modern Literature (Turkey) (2/20/06;

Important Update Concerning Paper Proposals

Symposium, Halic University, Department of American
Culture and Literature

'The Theory and Practice of Life Writing:
Auto/biography, Memoirs and Travel Writing in
Post/modern Literature', Istanbul, April 2006.

We are glad to announce that our symposium has
generated a great deal of international interest. Due
to the volume of proposals we have already received,
we have been forced to set an earlier deadline for
forthcoming proposals.

CFP: Another Slapstick Symposium (Belgium) (3/30/06; 5/13/06-5/14/06)

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 4:44pm
Paulus Tom

"Another Slapstick Symposium"

A film conference on American slapstick comedy in the silent era, =
13th-14th May, 2006 organized by BLASA (Belgium Luxembourg American =
Studies Association) and VDFC (Flemish Council for Film Culture)=20

To be held at the Cin=E9math=E8que Royale, Brussels, Belgium

Another Slapstick Symposium sets out to revisit and rethink some of the =
themes and ideas of the original =91Slapstick Symposium=92 organized by =
Eileen Bowser at the Museum of Modern Art in 1985. The conference will =
focus on four broad contexts:

1) slapstick comedy and early film style
2) studios and audiences
3) comedy stars/acting
4) mechanics of the gag and the culture of modernity
