CFP: Gender and the Politics of Learning and Working (2/7/05; e-journal issue)
We've had a lot of success with our first issue, and a lot of positive
comments from the academic community. Please consider submitting to our
next CFP, below.
Gender and the Politics of Learning and Working
Meowpower, a peer-reviewed, international, quarterly feminist journal
online, is seeking submissions for its Spring issue on gender and the
politics of learning and working. Some possible topics might be women in
education, women as educators, women as students, women's or men's studies
programs in education, feminist inclusion of texts in the literary canon,
women and careers, gender differences in management, financial reward, or
other career related incentives or detractions. Other topics that approach
the idea of learning and/or working are invited. Broad interpretations of
the topic are welcome. We welcome a variety of approaches, from academic
papers to reviews, from poetry to intelligent journalistic commentary.
Deadline is February 7, 2005. Please send submissions to (remove no_spam). Include a 20-50 word bio,
CV, along with your submission. Academic papers can be in MLA style or APA
style. All papers should be the author's original work and adhere to United
States copyright law.
Lynda L. Hinkle | (609) 680-2848
"Let us reform our schools, and we shall find little need of reform in our
prisons." -John Ruskin
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Jan 13 2005 - 23:11:40 EST