CFP: Contemporary American Jewish Authors (12/10/06; journal issue)
CFP: Studies in American Jewish literature Journal(12/10/06; annual issue); General Ed. Daniel Walden
Topic: Contemporary American Jewish Authors and their Response to Judaism.
With few exceptions Jewish American authors of the 20th Century have generally avoided religious themes
and opted instead to focus on problems of immigrants, assimilation, or ethnicity. However in the last decade or
so, new voices, such as that of Nathan Englander, Myla Goldberg, Naama Goldstein, Allegra Goodman, Dara Horn,
Joann Legaant, and Jonathan Rosen, to name but a few have emerged which express knowledge and even affirmation of
For the 2006 issue of SAJL (Studies in American Jewish Literature) we invite essays on Jewish American
authors/works that treat religious tradition, ritual, and Israel from any perspective. Abstracts of 250
words, due by 4/30/2005 should be e-mailed to guest editor, Evelyn Avery, Towson University at Contributors will be informed by June 15 whether their proposals are acceptable. Essays
should then be e-mailed by 8/15 to Dr. Avery.
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or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Jan 20 2005 - 20:48:28 EST