CFP: Eco-Criticism of Literature in Africa (no deadline noted; journal issue)

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2005 ALJ: IRCALC Calls for Papers on Eco-Criticism of Literature in Africa

IRCALC-ALJ is calling for papers from scholars interested in the development of Eco-criticism in African and its Diaspora literature. Since the past two years, the ALJ has provided a forum for debate, research, analysis and critique of the complex world of Africa through her past and emerging literatures. IRCALC offers an international discussion forum focusing on Africa, and brings together literary scholars, writers, critics, researchers, and the academic community. IRCALC is also committed to expanding an increasingly diverse literary community in Africa and worldwide by providing book news, literary reviews, critics' forums, and literature analysis to those actively engaged in the study of African literature and culture within and outside of the universities. Among IRCALC mailing list and contributors are public officials, international partners, the higher education research community, and the entire academic community. IRCALC strives for extensive critical standards vi!
 a a more
 imaginative approach to Africa's development issues. Contributions may include research papers, text or book reviews, book news and publications information, photographs, drawings and artistic impressions.

Submission Details:

Papers may be sent vide electronic file attachment and should be set in Ms Word 97 or higher versions. Original paper shall be in English or French. Other languages are acceptable if accompanied with English translations. Citations are preferable in the MLA format 2000-2004. Please direct all submissions to the editor in chief: Charles Smith, African Literary Journal, ALJ, (Edition C3) 2005, e-mail:

or e-mail the Africa Editor, Chin Ce:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Jan 28 2005 - 15:47:29 EST