CFP: _Hedwig and the Angry Inch_ (5/1/05; collection)

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We invite contributions for a projected essay collection on John Cameron Mitchell's rock opera _Hedwig and the Angry Inch_ (Hedwig). We welcome scholarly essays from different fields (literature, film, cultural studies, religious studies, classics, anthropology, biology, educational psychology, speech communication/rhetoric, and others) engaging with _Hedwig_ in a variety of cultural contexts. Topics might include but are not limited to:

Hedwig, History, and Histrionics
Hedwig off-Broadway and Hedwig on screen
Ally Sheedy as Hedwig
Sexual prosthetics in/on/around Hedwig
20thc. European Politics and Hedwig
Hedwig and "Middle America"
Bodily and Other Topographies
Religion and Spirituality in Hedwig
Early Modern/Classical Influences in Hedwig
Post Early Modern Philosophy and Hedwig
Hedwig in the context of current LGBTQ theory
Narratology and Hedwig
Emily Hubley's animations
Genre and Gender in Hedwig
Hed-heads on the web and in the world
The pornographic/erotic in Hedwig
Hedwig and Feminism(s)
Reception studies of Hedwig among particular audiences (college students, rock musicians, M to F transsexuals, straight women, etc.)
Hedwig and the "Freak" Show
Miriam Shor
Marketing in/of Hedwig

We recommend that potential contributors contact Catherine Ozment ( or Sujata Iyengar ( with abstracts by May 1, 2005, and completed essays by September 1, 2005. Feel free to contact us with queries before sending in an abstract.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Jan 31 2005 - 13:07:42 EST