CFP: Storytelling: A Critical Journal of Popular Narrative (ongoing; journal)
Call for Papers---_Storytelling: A Critical Journal of Popular Narrative_
The peer-reviewed journal _Storytelling_ is dedicated to analyses of popular narratives in the widest sense of the phrase and as evidenced in the media and all aspects of culture. Although past essays have focused on children's literature, comics, detective/crime fiction, film, horror/gothic, popular music, romance, science fiction, and television, submissions are by no means confined to these areas.
Executive Editors: Bonnie Plummer and Charlie Sweet, Eastern Kentucky University
Submission Details. Manuscripts should see the narrative as a reflection of culture; use theory to analyze the work, not work to illustrate theory; employ scholarship; and be written for the general audience. The executive editors are especially interested in visual accomplishments, bibliographies, and interviews with creators of popular narratives.
Submissions should include a short (50-word) abstract, be between 10 to 15 double-spaced, typed pages (approximately 3,300 to 6,000 words), and follow the MLA Style Manual by Joseph Gibaldi (2nd ed., 1998), including parenthetical citations in text and an alphabetized list of Works Cited. Authors should submit two copies of their manuscript with a stamped return envelope if return of manuscript is desired.
Address submissions to:
Elizabeth Foxwell
Managing Editor, _Storytelling: A Critical Journal of Popular Narrative_
Heldref Publications
1319 Eighteenth St, NW
Washington, DC 20036-1802 USA
Email: storytelling<at>
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Feb 02 2005 - 17:50:28 EST