CFP: Existential Literature/Chuck Palahniuk/Louis-Ferdinand Celine (ongoing; journal issues)

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Call For Papers:
Stirrings Still: The International Journal of Existential Literature seeks
submissions for the following two issues:

Spring/Summer 2005 (Open Topics), Deadline May 1, 2005

Fall 2005 (The Fiction of Chuck Palahniuk), Deadline: September 1, 2005.

For the Spring/Summer issue, we wish to further explore the relationship
and engagement between existential literature & philosophy and postmodern
literature & theory. Hence we encourage both new "post-existential"
approaches to existential literature and existential readings of
"non-existential" literature. In other words, feel free to submit
Foucauldian readings of Camus or Sartrean readings of Pynchon.

Specifically, you may consider submitting work that addresses some of the
following questions as they pertain to literature:

What is Postmodernism's debt to existentialism?

If poststructuralism superseded existentialism, as some theorists claim,
should we regard poststructural thinking as a success or a failure in
addressing existentialist concerns? Should this displacement provoke us
to regard existentialism itself as a failure in addressing existentialist

The emergence of postcolonial literatures seems inevitably linked with
postmodern theoretical approaches. Is there an existential postcolonial
literature? Can we use existentialist philosophy to unearth new and
fertile readings of postcolonial literature?

If postmodernism grew out of a "been there, done that" attitude of
intellectual weariness toward existentialism, does not postmodernism risk
dying from the same disease?

We are quite aware, whether we resist it or not, of the degree to which
twentieth-first century thinking has shaped contemporary critical
approaches to twentieth century literature. Of equal interest, and worthy
of far greater exploration, is the question: how has twentieth century
thinking has shaped twenty-first century literature?

For our Fall issue, we will consider essays on all aspects of Chuck
Palahniuk's fiction. Of specific interest is the recent popularity of his
novel Fight Club and the movie that it spawned. Does Palahniuk's work
represent a burgeoning "pop-existentialism?" What are we to make of this
emergence in popular culture of existential concerns, especially in
contrast with the waning, even non-existent, interest shown in academic
circle? Also, does Palahniuk's work exhibit a serious engagement with
existential philosophy and concerns or is it merely fast-food
existentialism packaged for popular consumption, as some critics maintain?

We, of course, welcome other topics concerning Palahniuk's work as well.

For the future, we are planning an issue regarding the works of the French
author Louis-Ferdinand Celine.
We are presently interested in possible contributors and guest editors for
this issue. We encourage potential editors to contact us with their
curriculum vitae.

Submissions may be sent to:

Stirrings Still
Binghamton University
Department of English
Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000


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Received on Mon Feb 14 2005 - 11:51:39 EST