CFP: Mosaic Special Issue: "The Animal" (8/31/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Mosaic Journal

CFP: Mosaic, a journal for the interdisciplinary study of literature,
Special Journal Issue "The Animal" (deadline for submissions:


Special Issue – "The Animal" (deadline for submissions: August 31,

Mosaic invites submissions for a special issue on the question of
"the animal" in literature and / or in theory. We are interested in
critical essays that consider the animal question in the work of
specific writers or texts, including such topics as: history, ethics,
ontology, culture, mourning, death, selfhood, self-identity,
sexuality, bestiaries, beasts, animal others, orality, speech,
phonocentrism, genre, gesture, architecture, and human / non-human

For a complete description of our submission guidelines, please visit
our website at:

* Essays should be between 6,500 and 7,500 words (including works
cited). Provide a 50-word abstract. Do not put your name/address on
the essay.

* Mosaic does not print footnotes or endnotes. If your essay will
include illustrations, please attach photocopies to your submission.

* Send three hard copies and a disk (floppy, zip or CD) of your
complete submission.

* Enclose a covering letter stating that the essay has not been
previously published, that it is not part of a thesis or
dissertation, and is not being considered for publication in another
journal or medium.

Please submit essays to:
Dawne McCance, Editor, Mosaic
The University of Manitoba, 208 Tier Bldg.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2, CANADA
Tel: (204) 474-9763; Fax: (204) 474-7584

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Feb 14 2005 - 11:51:43 EST