CFP: Sacred Tropes: Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and Qur'an as Literary Works (6/15/05; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Roberta Sabbath
contact email: 

*Sacred Tropes: Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and
Qur'an as Literary Works*

An important academic publisher has expressed great
interest in a collection of critical essays, *Hebrew
Bible, New Testament, and Qur'an as Literary Works.*
Well known scholars in the field from US, Canada, and
Europe are contributing. Seven out of the thirty
chapters are still needed.

Though much has been written about the Hebrew Bible
and New Testament, either individually or as a unit,
the combination of critical essays relating to all
three Abrahamic sacred texts does not occur.

Contemporary sacred text scholarship has been
stimulated by a number of intersecting occurrences.
Surging popular interest in religious, inspirational
issues; burgeoning developments in and applications of
literary theories; and intensifying academic focus on
diverse cultures, whether for general education,
pre-requisite, or specialized research and classes.
This proposed collection targets all three target

Chapters utilize a variety of literary theoretical
lenses including environment, economics, ideology,
history, science, law, ethics, and literary theories
including aesthetics, reader response, psychoanalytic,
hermeneutic, gender, structuralist, narratological,
race, cultural studies, and rhetorical criticism
through which to examine selected portions of the
sacred works.
Chapters are between 4-5000 words or 13-15 pages
including work cited (shorter than the traditional
20-25 pages of academic papers). Also honoring the
spirit of inclusion which brevity inspires is the lack
of academic jargon in the essays. Every effort is
made to make the essays a good read that would be
interesting and enlightening to lay and initiate
reader alike.

The project, as a whole, responds to the hunger for a
more inclusive consideration of the Abrahamic
traditions and serves as a means to broaden student
awareness of our shrinking global community.

Email your queries and/or abstract and cv immediately
for review and acceptance to this project. The
deadline for the completed chapters is June 15, 2005.

Roberta Sabbath, PhD
English Department
University of Nevada, Las Vegas

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Received on Mon Feb 14 2005 - 11:51:54 EST
