CFP: The Teaching and Learning of English in Electronic Environments (3/15/05; collection)
Call for Submissions
Selected articles to be published by Tamkang
University (Taiwan) in the book,
Reformation: The Teaching and Learning of English in
Electronic Environments
In May 2004, Tamkang University hosted an
international conference that addressed the theme,
"English Language Teaching (ELT) in an Electronic Age:
Issues and Alternatives." We – the editors Richard
Matzen, Jia-Yi Cheng-Levine, and Ying-hsueh Hu – are
seeking articles, to be published in a book, that
build on the conference's theme and expand
international perspectives on e-learning. In general,
an article selected for publication will focus on
teaching English in electronic environments and will
include a sociolinguistic perspective relevant to
e-learning challenging established social, cultural,
economic, or political realities. To explain, we
welcome submissions that may address the following
questions as well as other related questions:
• How does technology challenge previously established
educational philosophies or alter established ESL/EFL
• How has e-learning affected students' cultural
identities or socio-economic class?
• How and when are teachers' differing uses of
technology indicative of divisions along ideological
• How have commercial and capitalistic concerns
affected e-learning?
• How has an institution's goals for faculty to use
technology affected e-learning?
The editors strongly encourage submissions that
situate ELT and e-learning within educational reform,
democratization, and globalization movements. In
particular, submissions are encouraged that use
"place" – represent an university's ESL/EFL program or
represent Taiwan – as a way to ground the
relationships between these movements and technology.
We also welcome submissions that clarify the
relationships between pedagogy and theory in
electronic environments. Questions such as these may
be addressed:
• How have computers redefined English literacy?
• How do English teachers' uses of technology in the
classroom reflect theoretical stances?
• How has e-learning problematized student-teacher and
student-student relations?
• What is the relationship between critical pedagogy
and electronic environments?
Please submit an abstract of 400-500 words to Richard
Matzen. Final manuscripts should be ten to fifteen
double-spaced, typed pages and should reflect APA
guidelines for in-text citations, references, tables,
etc. Include a title page with your name, address,
school affiliation, telephone number, and email
address. Two or more referees will read each
manuscript, so no identifying information should
appear within the manuscript. Manuscripts, as well as
abstracts, should be submitted as a Word file and
submitted by electronic mail. We will acknowledge
receipt of all abstracts and manuscripts.
Deadline for Abstracts: 15 March 2005
Deadline for Submissions: 15 May 2005
Subject Line for Emails: Reformation
Email Address for Correspondence:
(Richard N. Matzen, Ph.D.)
Some, not all, of the submissions selected for
publication will be based on papers that may have
appeared in the proceedings for the previously
mentioned international conference, "English Language
Teaching (ELT) in an Electronic Age: Issues and
Alternatives" (2004, May). With that exception,
editors can not publish any material that has been
previously published. While your manuscript is being
considered for publication in Reformation: The
Teaching and Learning of English in Electronic
Environments, please do not submit it elsewhere. The
editors will accept or reject manuscripts within two
With nearly 30,000 students enrolled in a broad range
of bachelor's, master's, and doctoral programs,
Tamkang University is the largest private university
in Taiwan. Tamkang Review, among other publications,
has established Tamkang University as a leading
institution in literary theory and criticism in
Taiwan. The university is located a short drive from
the nation's capital city, Taipei, in the lovely
foothills of the Yangming Mountain Range, near the
north coast of the island.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Feb 16 2005 - 06:46:45 EST