UPDATE: "Good television?": Close Critical and Evaluative Analyses of British Television Programmes (3/31/05; journal

full name / name of organization: 
Dr Sarah Cardwell
contact email: 

Special issue of the Journal of Popular British Cinema and Television : =
'Good television?'
In celebration of the formal addition of television to the Journal's =
remit, this special issue is devoted to television. Its focus is the =
question of 'good television'. In particular, we aim to address the =
following questions: What is good television? Why are appreciation and =
evaluation so rarely tackled within television studies? How might =
notions of critical judgement and value enhance television studies? What =
new approaches or perspectives might aid the critical assessment of =
television? What might television criticism within television studies =
look like? What role might interpretation or close analysis play? How =
useful are criteria for evaluation borrowed from Film Studies? Where =
does the idea of 'quality' television fit in?=20
>From the responses to our original CFP, we have gathered a good range of =
articles exploring evaluation in conceptual and historical terms. =
However, we are still seeking additional articles that undertake close, =
critical analyses of particular programmes, with an emphasis on =
evaluation. We are particularly interested in articles that employ =
evaluative criteria that are uncommon in television studies. In the =
spirit of the Journal's remit, we seek articles that focus on British =
television programmes.
Please send enquiries or proposals to Sarah Cardwell at =
s.e.cardwell_at_kent.ac.uk and/or Steve Peacock at =
steven.peacock_at_solent.ac.uk, by March 31st 2005 at the latest. The final =
date for submission of approved articles will be around September 2005.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Sun Feb 20 2005 - 14:13:38 EST
