CFP: Ambrose Bierce and the American Civil War (4/15/05; e-journal and hypermedia project)
The Ambrose Bierce Project (ABP) is a forthcoming hypermedia project hosted by Penn State University. As part of its initial phase, the ABP is seeking essays and literary briefs about the Civil War fiction and nonfiction war writings of Ambrose Bierce. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by ABP affiliates and by members of the advisory board, a collection of leading Bierce scholars.
Literary briefs will offer a critical perspective on a *single* Bierce story or work of nonfiction prose. Briefs should not exceed 2,000 words, but should include scholarly notes. Deadline: 5/1/05.
Full essays should fall between 5,000 and 12,000 words, and may examine any dimension of Bierce's life and work as it relates to the American Civil War. We are especially interested in interdisciplinary studies. Deadline for abstracts (with short CV): 4/15/05.
Please submit queries, completed briefs, and essay abstracts to the editor, Craig A. Warren, at
Correspondence may also be directed to:
Craig A. Warren, Editor
The Ambrose Bierce Project
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Irvin Kochel Center
Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
5091 Station Rd.
Erie, PA 16563
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Mar 02 2005 - 10:53:03 EST