CFP: Exetazo: An Online Journal of Undergraduate Research (undergrad) (4/11/05; new journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Nathan Knispel
contact email: 

We welcome you to the introduction of Exetazo, a biannual online
national, reviewed journal
dedicated to the publication of undergraduate student research, and
invite you to encourage submissions from your student body. The twofold
purpose of the journal is to foster and reward the scholarly efforts of
undergraduate students as well as to provide a valuable learning
experience. The articles represent the primarily work of undergraduate
student(s). Faculty members, who deserve recognition, are identified by an
asterisk next to their names.

The articles published in this journal will reflect appropriate scope
and complexity for excellent undergraduate work. The basis for accepting
papers for publication is the agreement among five reviewers (two faculty,
two professionals and one peer) that the project and design are strong
representatives of introductory level research.

All submissions should be sent electronically to Nathan Knispel
( or Michael Stokes ( in
Microsoft Word format. Submissions should be between 10 and 15 pages in
length (not including title page and bibliography). A cover page,
indicating the title, author's contact information, and the information of
all faculty who assisted in the project should be included. The initial
page of text should be headed by the project title and a brief (150-200
words) abstract.

In order to efficiently facilitate blind review, the author's name
should not appear on the first page of text.

Submissions will be evaluated on a rolling basis. However, to be
considered for publication in the inaugural June 2005 issue, submissions
must be received by April 11, 2005.

Nathan Knispel

Director, Ronald E. McNair Program

Temple University

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Mar 02 2005 - 10:53:18 EST