CFP: O'Connor and Other Georgia Writers (8/1/05; 3/30/06-4/1/06)
Call for Papers: O'Connor and Other Georgia Writers: A Scholarly Conference
Georgia College & State University, Milledgeville, GA
Deadline for 500-word abstracts: 1 August 2005
Conference Dates: 30 March-1 April 2006
Please send abstracts of up to 500 words concerning the works
of Flannery O'Connor, the works of another Georgia writer
(Alice Walker, Carson McCullers, Erskine Caldwell, etc.), or
connections among Georgia writers. All approaches are welcome.
Please send contact info (mailing address, email, phone) if you
are interested in presenting a paper or chairing a session, or if you
want to be placed on the conference mailing list.
Send abstracts and contact info to this address:
Marshall Bruce Gentry, Conference Coordinator
O'Connor and Other Georgia Writers
English, Campus Box 44
Georgia College & State University
Milledgeville, GA 31061
The conference will include addresses by keynote speakers
Virginia Spencer Carr and Brad Gooch; readings by Sarah Gordon,
Karen Salyer McElmurray, Cynthia Shearer, and JoAllen Bradham;
music by Norman and Nancy Blake; and tours of Andalusia (the
O'Connor farm) and the newly restored Old Governor's Mansion.
Georgia College & State University, from which O'Connor graduated
(when it was Georgia State College for Women), is the designated
liberal arts university in the University System of Georgia. GC&SU
is the home of the Flannery O'Connor Review, the world's longest-
running journal devoted to the study of a woman writer; of Arts &
Letters Journal of Contemporary Culture, published by the MFA
Program in Creative Writing; and The Center for Georgia Studies,
which promotes the study of the state's history, arts, literature, and
culture. The conference is sponsored by the Department of English,
Speech, and Journalism at GC&SU, by the Flannery O'Connor Review,
and by The Center for Georgia Studies.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Mar 02 2005 - 11:24:55 EST