CFP: Trangression/Transcendence in Cyberspace (5/1/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Jill LeRoy-Frazier
contact email: 


Women Writers: A Zine is seeking previously
unpublished essays and original works of fiction,
poetry, and hypertext for an upcoming special issue,
"Digital Eves: Transgression/ Transcendence in
Cyberspace." Women Writers: A Zine is a digital,
peer-reviewed publication that features creative work
by women writers as well as scholarship on any aspect
of women's writing, women's studies, and feminist
scholarship. See the journal's Website at for more information.

"Digital Eves" will explore cyberspace as a
contemporary arena for originary human sin: a
transgressive space in which, like the biblical Eve,
individuals for varying reasons seek to transcend
their ontological limits, be they physical, temporal,
intellectual, or creative. Submissions should engage
the central question "In what ways does or can
cyberspace function as an imaginative space in which
beings attempt to repeat Eve's original 'encounter
with the apple,' perhaps in the hope that computer
technology will help afford a success that biblical
mythology and tradition has not accorded her?"

Related questions might include

How are these attempts at transcendence also a
conscious spiritual transgression, and of what sort?
With what perceived benefits and consequences?

How does striving for transcendence through cyberspace
mirror and extend earlier human attempts to reach out
at the divine through the construction of
transgressive spaces?

What role do AI (artificially intelligent agents) play
in this drama, and how do they complicate human

Approaches could include but are not limited to
treatments of virtual reality, online identity and
presence, feminist theories of gender and the body,
speculative/science fiction, Artificial Intelligence,
human consciousness, cyberspace as contemporary
carnival, and/or the search for immortality. Creative
and interdisciplinary pieces are welcome and

Send complete piece and CV/brief bio via email by May
1, 2005, to . If
selected, final revisions should be ready for
publication by July 15, 2005. Submissions not selected
will be deleted from our files.

Contributors' guidelines:
Guest Editors for this issue are Jill LeRoy-Frazier,
David E. Frazier, Heather Hoover, and Jason Payton.
Contributions should be submitted to the Guest Editors
in digital format at the email address listed above.
Text-based contributions should be saved as Microsoft
Word documents (.doc or .rtf), Word Perfect documents
(.wpd) or web documents (.html). Images should be
saved as jpegs (.jpg) or gifs (.gif). We do not accept
submissions as ZIP files. For information about
submitting material in media formats not listed above,
contact Kim Wells, General Editor, at For scholarly articles,
please consult The MLA Manual of Style for proper
manuscript form. All manuscripts or correspondence
regarding the submission of manuscripts will be
directed to the Guest Editors. See for further
submission guidelines.

Jill LeRoy-Frazier, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of English and Humanities
Milligan College
P.O. Box 500
Milligan College, TN 37682
(423) 461-8790

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Received on Fri Mar 04 2005 - 10:31:55 EST