CFP: Democracy and Violence (4/25/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Shane Herron
contact email: 

theory_at_buffalo 10

We are seeking submissions for the 2005 issue (#10) on the theme of
Democracy and Violence.


At the end of his life, Walter Benjamin wrote, "There is no document of
civilization which is not at the same time a document of barbarism." We
suspect that violence is not only a problem for democracy, but is, in
fact, the very thing that makes democracy a viable political system.
Difficulties arise for the democratic when it tries to deal this
inherent violence. Irruptions of violence within democratic societies
are, of course, far from unknown; imperial wars are waged to spread
democracy; terror is produced at the limit-and as the limit-of the
demands that democracy can represent. The supposed universality of
democracy is perhaps its most characteristic and also its most violent

We welcome all papers that try to articulate the relationship between
democracy and violence in terms of literature, art, film, and theory.
Possible topics might include: the limits of universality in human
rights, equality, and freedom; the limits of representation in
democratic art and politics and the violence that appears to mark these
limits; the possibility of a new democracy (reflections on the event,
revolution and all manner of communities-to-come, and the place of
violence in these); the (non-violent) mythical origins of democracy; the
sublimity of democracy; how art and aesthetics engages with democracy
and its violence; the (dis)function of art in democracy; democracy and
death; the limits of democracy itself. We will gladly accept any other
papers on related topics which take up the issue of democracy and
violence, and their various representations.

For this issue, we are honored to announce that Professor Werner
Hamacher of the Goethe-Universit=E4t will write the introduction and
also publish an article on Democracy.

Submissions are welcome from any disciplinary field-including social
theory, literary studies, political theory, philosophy, cultural
studies, media studies, etc.

theory_at_buffalo also accepts book reviews. Book reviews do not have to be
on the topic of Democracy and Violence and should be 1,200 words

Submissions should be 10,000 words maximum. Please send two blind copies
with a cover page, on paper or a disk to the address below. Or send an
e-version of the paper as an attachment in Microsoft Word to or

Send queries to:

         Sol Pelaez (

         Shane Herron (

         Re: theory_at_buffalo 10


         Department of Comparative Literature

         638 Clemens Hall

         University at Buffalo

         Buffalo, New York

         14260, USA

Please see our website ( for full
information, updates, and submission guidelines.

Deadline for Submissions: April 25 th, 2005.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Mar 08 2005 - 08:47:00 EST
