CFP: Film and Time (6/3/05; journal issue)
Film Studies: An International Review
Special issue: 'Time'
This special issue of Film Studies will focus on cinematic temporality or,
more broadly, film and time. Some contributors have already been confirmed,
but additional articles are required. The editor is seeking a wide range of
articles, some critical (i.e. dealing with the treatment of temporal aspects
in specific films or particular directors' work), and some conceptual (i.e.
addressing broader questions about film's temporal qualities).
Please send enquiries or proposals to Sarah Cardwell at, as soon as possible, and by Friday 3rd June 2005 at
the latest. The date for submission of completed articles will be
approximately December 2005.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Mar 24 2005 - 08:57:20 EST