CFP: Special Interest Group on Video Games (5/1/05; CCCC, 3/22/06-3/25/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Scott Reed
contact email: 

"1UP: Perspectives from Scholar/Practioners of Video Games"

This is a call for participants for an informal special
interest group to meet at CCCC (Conference on College
Composition and Communication) in Chicago, March 2006. This
group will meet to present short papers and have a
roundtable discussion on the position(s) of video games in
the composition conversation. This panel is specifically
intended to solicit perspectives from active gamers, to
develop perspectives on gaming from the inside out. Topics
of interest include, but are hardly limited to:

* Games and/as writing activities
* The failures (and successes) of current composition
scholarship to address gaming
* Theoretical perspectives on games and pedagogy
* Attempts to implement gaming in composition pedagogy
* Perspectives from scholar/gamers
* Impact of gaming on intellectual work

Speakers should prepare a combination of short lecture and
discussion prompts, enough to fill 10-15 minutes.
Applicants should keep in mind that a role in a CCCC Special
Interest Group does not preclude involvement in a
traditional panel - you may participate in both. Applicants
should submit a brief abstract and a bio (addressing
interests in both composition and gaming) to Scott Reed
( by May 1, 2005.

Scott Reed
Deparment of English
University of Georgia

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Mar 24 2005 - 08:56:57 EST