CFP: Decadence in English Literature (4/15/05; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Paul Fox
contact email: 

CFP: Decadence in English Literature (1/9/2005;


Please send abstracts for a scholarly collection to be

published by Ibidem Press in their Studies in English

Literatures series. The theme of this volume will be

Decadence and is not confined to the 1890s but is

expected to contain essays upon all periods in English

Literature from Anglo-Saxon to contemporary. Any

essay exploring the philosophical, historical or

aesthetic tendencies of Decadence literarily presented

in Britain are encouraged. Some suggested topics are:

- the literary implications of atrophy; decadence in

formal practice: literary dandyism, euphuism, purple

prose; decadence as illness, as a spur to creativity,

as negative vitality. All theoretical positions are

welcome. Authors must hold PhDs. Essays will be

expected to be maximally 20 pages in length excluding

footnotes. Secondary source material is expected.
Please send 1-2 page abstracts by April 15th to
Dr. Paul Fox at

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Received on Tue Mar 29 2005 - 12:21:32 EST
