CFP: Essay Collection on Outsider Rhetoric (4/30/05; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Anne Stockdell-Giesler

Call For Proposals: "Agency in the Margins: the History of Outsider

Edited by Anne Meade Stockdell-Giesler, Ph.D.

Seeking abstracts and proposals (up to 500 words) for essays concerned
with histories, traditions, or patterns of rhetoric taking place in the
margins of traditional disciplinary practice. One area of rhetorical
theory and practice that is underdeveloped is the study of the means of
persuasion available to the unempowered-those outside access to the polis,
the academy, the political arena. People living outside of access to the
traditional sites for rhetorical participation do occasionally find access
there, but always as outsiders still. From Aspasia onward, much of the
research into marginal figures that took place in the 1980s and 1990s
focused on the occasional minority figure who made his or her way into the
public sphere using traditional academic rhetoric. We have not much
considered the rhetorical power of those who do not have social or
institutional identities despite their contributions in social and
workplace structures. This work will consider where outsiders to social,
political, academic, and economic power did and do participate, despite
this lack of representation in public life. Essays should address the
concept of "outsider rhetoric," or the study of how people in the margins
actively, collaboratively, deliberately practice rhetoric with a sense of
political and social purpose, throughout the history of the discipline.

Deadline: April 30, 2005

Please send proposals electronically or via regular mail to:

Dr. Anne Meade Stockdell-Giesler

Department of English, Box R

The University of Tampa

401 W. Kennedy Blvd.

Tampa, FL 33606

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Received on Tue Mar 29 2005 - 12:22:47 EST