CFP: Staging Pain 1500-1800 (6/1/05; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
James Allard
contact email: 

"Staging Pain: Violence and Trauma in British Theatre, 1500-1800," ed.
Mathew R. Martin and James Robert Allard

We invite submissions for a proposed collection of essays exploring the
staging of pain in British theatre between 1500 and 1800, or between the
often brutal spectacle of late Medieval mystery plays, especially the
Passion sequences, and early Romantic re-evaluations of eighteenth-century
appropriations of spectacles of pain, such as William Wordsworth's and
Joanna Baillie's critiques of the Gothic and contemporary stagecraft. The
volume aims in particular to expand on recent work treating bodies in pain:
what and how pain means, how such meaning can be embodied, how such
embodiment can be dramatized, how such dramatizations can be put to use and
made meaningful in a variety of contexts. Papers engaging with any
theoretical framework are welcome, and we encourage work that construes the
notion of "theatre" as broadly as possible--the scaffold, court, or
operating theatre, for example. Possible topics include:

Actors in/on Pain
"Discipline" and Punishment
The Erotics of Pain
Faith and Suffering
The History of Pain/The Pain of History
The Mechanics of Theatrical Production
The Politics of Spectacle
Staging Death/Snuff Theatre
Theatres of War
Trauma and Recovery

Proposals should be approximately 500 words in length (no complete papers
at this point, please), and submissions should include the author's name,
affiliation, surface mail address, email address, and a brief CV. The
deadline for proposals is June 1, 2005; deadline for completed papers
(5500-7500 words with notes) will be December 1, 2005. We encourage
electronic submissions (if sending materials as an attachment, please
submit in *.rtf format) to James Allard at <>, but hard
copies may be sent to:

James Allard
Department of English Language and Literature
Brock University
500 Glenridge Avenue
St. Catharines, Ontario

All submissions will be acknowledged by email upon receipt.

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Mar 29 2005 - 12:21:33 EST