CFP: LiNQ: Poetry, Fiction, Essays (ongoing; journal issue)
LiNQ (Literature in North Queensland) is a long-running journal
published in May and October by the Dept.of Humanities at JCU (Qld,
Australia). LiNQ seeks submissions of short fiction, poetry and
essays/thinkpieces from both publsihed and new authors. Poetry in the
original language is especially welcome and will be printed with a
facing page translation. B/W photos and illustrations are welcome.
Please send submissions/ queries to the General Editor, Dr Dosia
Reichardt,English, JCU Cairns, PO BOX 6811, Smithfield 4868, Australia.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Apr 01 2005 - 04:48:09 EST