CFP: Theatre, Spirituality, and World Cultures (6/1/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Debra Bruch
contact email: 

Call for Papers:

The Association for Theatre in Higher Education's Religion and Theatre Focus
Group invites submissions to its online peer-reviewed journal, The Journal
of Religion and Theatre. We welcome descriptive and analytical articles
examining the spirituality of world cultures in all disciplines of the
theatre, performance studies in sacred rituals of all cultures, themes of
transcendence in text, on stage, in theatre history, the analysis of
dramatic literature, and other topics relating to the relationship between
religion and theatre. The journal aims to facilitate the exchange of
knowledge throughout the theatrical community concerning the relationship
between theatre and religion and as an academic research resource for the
benefit of all interested scholars and artists. Beginning in 2005, the
journal is indexed in MLA International Bibliography. The address of the
journal is:

Submission Guidelines:

-- Submit your article in Microsoft Word 1998 format via the internet

-- Include a separate title page with the title of the article, your name,
address, e-mail address, and phone number, with a 70 to 100 word abstract
and a 25 to 50 word biography

-- Do not type your name on any page of the article

-- MLA style endnotes -- Appendix A.1. (Do not use parenthetical references
in the body of the paper/ list of works cited.)

-- E-Mail the article and title page via an attachment in Microsoft Word
1998 to Debra Bruch: dlbruch -at- (Please replace the -at- with @.)

-- Or send by regular post with the article on a zip disk, Mac format, in
Microsoft Word to:

Debra Bruch, Ph.D.
General Editor, The Journal of Religion and Theatre
Department of Fine Arts
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931

DEADLINE: June 1, 2005

-- Deb

 Debra Bruch, Ph.D.
 Associate Professor of Theatre
 Michigan Tech*nologic*al University

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Apr 01 2005 - 04:48:08 EST
