CFP: Eire-Ireland: Amongst Empires (4/1/06; journal issue)
Éire-Ireland Special Issue: Amongst Empires
Amongst Empires: Éire-Ireland welcomes submissions for a Spring 2007 special
issue that will consider Ireland's involvements in the modern imperial world
system. The editors are interested in receiving essays that explore the
understanding, consumption, and/or contestation of empire in modern Irish
society and culture as well as articles that examine the role of Ireland and
the Irish within the world of empire or explore Ireland's colonial/imperial
experience in a comparative context. While Ireland's relationship to the
British Empire is clearly of central importance, Irish responses to or
involvements in other modern empires (Spanish, French, American, and others)
are also of interest, as are essays that deal with how other colonial peoples
or other imperial powers viewed issues such as Irish resistance to British
rule and struggles for self-determination, the development of Irish national
literature and culture, or Irish military, religious, economic or other
investments in Empire.
Deadline for submissions: 1 April 2006: Typed manuscripts, two copies, should
be sent to: Michael de Nie, Department of History, TLC 3200, University of
West Georgia, Carrollton, GA 30118 ( or Joe Cleary,
Department of English, Arts Building, NUI Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Apr 06 2005 - 20:10:01 EDT