CFP: Matthew Arnold (no deadline noted; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Clinton Machann
contact email: 

8 April 2005

Nineteenth-Century Prose invites submissions for a special issue on Matthew
Arnold. We encourage a wide range of topics focusing on prose works by
Arnold as well as topics related to broader issues regarding Arnold's
influence on literature (including individual authors), literary and
cultural studies, religious studies, and education. Arnold's current
standing in cultural studies or other academic fields is of particular
interest. Interdisciplinary approaches are welcomed. Submissions which
discuss both Arnold's poetry and prose are appropriate, but not those which
focus exclusively on poetry.

Inquiries, proposals, and submissions should be sent, preferably by e-mail,
to guest editor Clinton Machann as soon as possible. Proposals (1-3 pages)
are encouraged.

Clinton Machann
Professor of English
4227 TAMU
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4229
Telephone: 979-845-4898
E-mail: <>

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Received on Mon Apr 11 2005 - 21:11:29 EDT
