CFP: Bellow and Roth –– Notes and Observations for Roth Newsletter (5/5/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Joseph Kraus
contact email: 

Bellow and Roth -- Notes and Observations:

The Philip Roth Society Newsletter seeks notes and brief essays (800
words or fewer) on any relationship between Saul Bellow and Philip Roth.
Items can be critical points of contact, advice or reports on teaching
the two authors together, or personal reflections on reading both
authors. The tone may be formal or informal. The deadline for this issue
is May 5, 2005.

In addition, the newsletter welcomes contributions that address Roth's
work in general, including such matters as the teaching of Roth's work
or personal reactions to it. We welcome informal or teaching notes that
add texture or background information to larger elements of Roth's
writing. If you have more formal notes or full-length criticism of Roth,
they are more suited for our journal, Philip Roth Studies. This deadline
is ongoing.

For queries or submissions, contact Joe Kraus, Editor, The Philip Roth
Society Newsletter, Department of English, The University of Scranton,
Scranton, PA 18510, or by email at

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Received on Thu Apr 14 2005 - 17:26:31 EDT