CFP: Militarism and the Environment (10/1/05; journal issue)

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UnderCurrents: journal of critical environmental studies

Vol 15 Mobilizing Natures: Militarism and the Environment

Given the plurality of ways nature has been mobilized in the service of
conflict and violence, the UnderCurrents Editorial Collective invites
art and written work for Vol 15, Mobilizing Nature.

Submissions should address any aspect of militarism and the environment,
including but not limited to: - the environmental impacts of war and
violent conflicts
- spaces of security
- militant activism
- mixing metaphors of war and nature
- terrorism and the construction of borders
- historical approaches to understanding conflict and nature
- biological warfare
- military environments

Founded in 1988, /UnderCurrents/ is an independent non-profit journal
produced by students at the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York
University. We publish creative and critical writing, artwork, and
photography that explore relationships between nature, society, and
self. Submissions are welcome from any field and especially from
perspectives that challenge the conventional boundaries of academic and
environmental discussion

Electronic submissions are preferred. Include name, address, brief bio,
email and phone number. Please submit artwork in b&w, at least 5x7, 600
dpi, .tiff files, and text in .doc to Deadline for
submissions, October 1, 2005.

The Collective will work closely with authors whose work has been
selected and will provide feedback and editorial support. UnderCurrents
policy encourages authors to avoid the use of discriminatory discourse
(eg. racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.)

Please visit for more information.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Apr 20 2005 - 09:19:36 EDT
