CFP: SOAS Literary Review (ongoing; e-journal)
Call for Submissions
SOAS Literary Review ( is a
refereed online journal edited and produced by research students at the
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. The
journal seeks to provide an international forum for research students
working on humanities topics and focusing on Africa, Asia, and the Middle
East. Papers on literature, visual and performing arts, film and media are
welcome. There are also three themed issues planned for 2005-2006.These
themes, detailed below, are meant to act as rough guidelines for anyone
wishing to submit a paper. The Editors encourage a broad interpretation of
the themes and research questions, as well as an interdisciplinary approach
to them.
How is sexuality represented in literature? How do different literary
traditions and social contexts affect representations of sexuality? For
example, what can the discussion of Asian and African literatures add to the
understanding of sexuality and its representation?
How appropriate is it to use theoretical approaches to sexuality and gender
developed in the Western academy to discuss non-Western literatures? Is the
very concept of sexual identity too culturally specific to be applicable to
anything other than modern Western cultural production?
How do representations of sexuality interact with systems of censorship and
expectations of propriety in different cultures?
How is the literary representation of sexuality affected by genre? To what
extent do non-literary genres, such as legal, psychiatric, medical or
religious discourses determine the language in which sexuality is
represented in both literature and literary criticism?
How is the traditional, Western genre of autobiography being challenged (or
affirmed) by recent developments in life-writing?
Is there a specific genre of postcolonial life-writing? What are its
particular features and how does it intersect with other genres of
What is the relationship between fiction and life-writing? How is the
borderline between the two negotiated in recent life-writing?How are the
relations and representations of ethnicity and gender evolving in
The Modern, the Postmodern and the Postcolonial
What are the possible non-Eurocentric conceptualisations of modernism?
Does modernism's elevation of the aesthetic necessarily obfuscate the
material conditions of cultural production?
How do non-western modernisms negotiate the tension between their local
contexts and the homogenising impulses of advanced capitalism?
What is the value (if any) of postmodernism's insistence on plurality,
heterogeneity and difference, for postcolonial criticism?
Is literary postmodernism preoccupied with textuality and verbal surfaces at
the expense of referential reality? If so, how does postmodern writing from
Asia and Africa manage to engage with history?
Does postcolonial literature resist, or does it reproduce, the logic and
features of the global literary marketplace?
Contact us:
Please consult the notes for contributors on the Review website
The Editors
SOAS Literary Review
c/o AHRB Centre for Asian & African Literatures,
SOAS, Thornhaugh Street,
London WC1H 0XG
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Apr 24 2005 - 11:03:28 EDT