CFP: TV Shorts (open; online journal)

full name / name of organization:

CFP: TV Shorts, online at Critical Studies in Television
Deadline: open

ABOUT TV SHORTS: TV Shorts provides a unique online space for
television scholars, critics, students and fans to present new
research and/or initiate critical debate on contemporary television
with a specific focus on fictions made for the small screen.
Distinct about TV Shorts, with its open deadline, quick turnaround
and immediate posting, is that it seeks to engage with the
television zeitgeist, to take the pulse of contemporary culture as
it were, while locating new ways of thinking and writing about

TV Shorts aims to establish an intellectual space where new voices
are heard and fresh perspectives offered. It will train attention on
pioneering areas of research and groundbreaking critical approaches
to contemporary television fiction, generating lively debate as well
as providing an intellectual and creative platform for thinking
differently and ingeniously responding to contemporary television
culture. Innovation is encouraged, intellectual curiosity demanded
and difference expected.

Call for Submissions
2500-3000 word articles are sought from potential contributors to TV
Shorts, online at Critical Studies in Television
( Each paper must be submitted
electronically to the administrator
( No deadline exists.
Instead submit paper as and when. To ensure quick turnaround,
submissions will be approved and referred by the editorial board
prior to posting. Writers of the best contributions will be invited
to re-work and extend their piece for publication in the hard copy
issue. Articles must be in English.

Contributions from post-graduates, aspiring researchers and anyone
interested in writing about television are also welcome.

Proposed contributions to the TV Shorts section should be e-mailed
in the first instance to the CST Administrator:

Any hard correspondence should be addressed sent to:
CST Administrator,
Critical Studies in Television,
Department of Contemporary Arts,
Manchester Metropolitan University,
MMU Cheshire,
Hassall Road,
Alsager ST7 2HL

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Apr 27 2005 - 10:58:49 EDT